Fractional CO2 Laser Rental with Smartxide DOT

What Is CO2 DOT Therapy?

CO2 DOT (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) Therapy is a fresh new way to transform skin and enhance its overall appearance. DOT Therapy is a resurfacing treatment that can reverse the appearance of aged or sun-damaged skin, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, help reduce uneven coloration, skin laxity, textural irregularities, dull tone and minimize scarring from acne for your patients.

Fractional-CO2-laser rental beverly hills

Fraxel-laser rental newport beach

How Does The DOT Therapy Work?

The CO2 DOT Therapy laser precisely creates thousands of microscopic holes (DOT’s) in the skin, which induce immediate skin tightening and stimulate new collagen growth. Unlike other laser resurfacing technologies, DOT Therapy leaves islands of healthy tissue surrounding the microscopic DOTs. This enables your skin to heal more rapidly and minimizes overall damage. Patients are often amazed at how tight their skin feels immediately after the procedure.

With CO2 DOT therapy we also have more control to customize treatment specifically to the patient and even modify treatment during the procedure for various skin challenges or problem areas. The overall procedure is safer, faster and more efficient then traditional laser resurfacing treatments.

Because DOT Therapy delivers the desired outcome with minimal downtime, it is rapidly replacing traditional laser skin resurfacing as the treatment of choice for mild to moderate signs of photo damage.

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What Will CO2 DOT Therapy Do For Your Patients?

If your patients have spent years in the sun, especially without adequate sun protection, then you know what the sun can do to their skin. Wrinkles, skin discoloration, sun spots, skin laxity on face, neck, décolletage, hands, arms and on legs, may be reduced or eliminated with DOT Therapy. Also, if they have scars from acne or other skin injuries, then they may also be a candidate for this procedure. While the aging process cannot be stopped, with proper care your clients can maintain  their rejuvenated skin’s appearance for many years!

CO2 DOT laser is the best treatment if your patients wish to get the most results with one treatment. Having this treatment is like having multiple non-invasive treatments at once.  It is also the best single treatment for advanced skin damage and wrinkling.

Downtime for this treatment is around 5-7 days and the healing after that is up to a month depending on how aggressive your treatment was.

Your patients skin will continue to improve for a period of 6 months following the procedure provided proper skincare is used and sun exposure is minimized.

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DOT Therapy with the SmartXide DOT CO2 laser offers the ultimate in skin rejuvenation in around an hour for most treatments. DOT Therapy is ideal for the treatment of sun damage, brown spots, fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity/texture and acne scars. Not only does the DOT offer amazing results, it does so safely and quickly with little downtime. The secret is out and the benefits of CO2 DOT Therapy speak for themselves.

Contact SBLR Inc. and let us educate you on how to offer these effective procedures to your practice.